Indonesia and Belarus are Strengthening The Bilateral Cooperation in Science and Technology Cooperation

On October 17-18, 2017, the Directorate General of America and Europe, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, HE Ambassador Mohamad Anshor and the Belarusian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, HE Andrei Dapkiunas, chaired the Sixth Session of the Intergovernmental Belarusian-Indonesian Joint Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation in Hermitage Hotel Jakarta 17 October 2017.
Referring to the meeting, Indonesia and Belarusia agreed to intensify trade, economic and investment cooperation between the countries and discussed.
The results of the joint commisions, amongst others
(i) assessing the increase of the supplies of the machinery produced by the Belarusian joint stock companies “MAZ”, “BelAZ” and “MTW”,
(ii) finalizing the future the implementation of the domestic procedures, required for the entry into force of the Intergovernmental Belarus-Indonesia Agreement on Avoidance of Double Taxation, signed in March 2013 during the state visit to Indonesia of the President of the Republic of Belarus A.Lukashenko,
(iii) Resuming the work on the draft Intergovernmental Agreement on Promotion and Mutual Protection of Investments,
(iv) working more closely with the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia, following agreement/meeting on October 10, 2017, in order to issue permits for the supply of milk products from the enterprises of the JSC «Savushkin product», located in the Belarusian cities of Brest and Pinsk. It was also decided at the Joint Commission to set up working groups on cooperation in the fields of industry and agriculture.
(v) Encouraging the bilateral cooperation on science and technology cooperation, welcoming the second meeting of the Belarusian-Indonesian Joint Working Group (JWG) on Cooperation in the Field of Science, Technology and Higher Education around 16-18 November 2017 in Minsk, Belarus.
Especially on the Science and Technology Cooperation, Nada Marsudi explained the chronology of the MoU on Scientific and Technological Cooperation RI-Belarus, which was signed on March 19th, 2013. She also informed the Meeting that the Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education (MoRTHE) Indonesia hosted the 1st Indonesian-Belarus Joint Working Group (JWG) Meeting on Science, Technology (and Higher Education) on 15-16 December 2015.
Nada Marsudi also shared recent Indonesian STHE policy, the MoRTHE International Programs, as well as the ten priority research areas as formulated in the RIRN (the national focus/ priority research areas), 2017-2045. Those are including (i) Food and Agriculture, (ii) Health and Medicine, (iii) Energy (renewable and alternative energy), (iv) Information and Communications Technology (ICT), (v) Defence Technology, (vi) Advanced Material including Nanotechnology, (vii) Transportation, (viii) Maritime,
(ix) Disaster Management and
(x) Social Science and Humanism.
In addition, the Indonesian MoRTHE also will finalize
(i) Agreement on Higher Education and
(ii) Agreement on Training Engineering and Specialists. The last agreement will support the vocational higher education program of the Indonesian MoRTHE.
Source: Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia